
Thank you

Published Mon 17 May 2021

Thank you

Dear Members

A big thank you to all the Members who attended the working bee on Saturday and made the Club ready for yesterday's Official Opening.  A large number of jobs were completed, from pictures being printed and hung, floors, stairs and windows cleaned, racking assembled, Rescue Boats cleaned and readied for yesterday's State Windsurfing Slalom Championships, chair trolleys made and assembled and many other tasks that ensured yesterday ran smoothly. 

The Opening went extremely well with all the visiting dignitaries being extremely complimentary about our Clubhouse and our Yacht Club.  The day was invaluable in strengthening relationships and building goodwill with many stakeholders.  A big thank you to Jim Kariotis and his father Peter Kariotis for all their efforts in the Canteen.

Immediately after the Official Opening the racing was held in extremely challenging conditions.  The buzz and vibe of all that nervous tension during the Official Opening was palpable and added greatly to the theatre that was the Official Opening.  A big thank you to Nick Bez for organising the racing, our Rescue Boat crew Noel McNicol, Chris Hewitt, Darren McGrath, Tam Ford and Zayne for going out in such bumpy weather, and all the sailors that went out and demonstrated their high-wind sailing skills. 

Finally, a reminder that the AGM is being held at midday on Sunday 30th May.  More details will follow.

Best regards

Peter Monkhouse

