
Robby Naish Movie Night

Published Fri 26 Nov 2021


Robby Naish Movie Night at PYC this Friday 26th November!

Come and join the festivities and help raise some funds for our Learn to Windsurf program.There will be raffles, prizes, bar service and snacks available, including a sausage sizzle.

For more information and to buy tickets CLICK HERE. If you’re a 2021/22 Windsurfer Class Association paid up member, you can claim a coupon for one free ticket by emailing For non-members of the Windsurfer class, the cost is $20 per ticket.

Doors will be open from 6.30pm, with the movie starting at 7.45pm.

You don’t want to miss windsurfing legend Robby Naish in ‘The Longest Wave’.


