Dear Members
The completion date for our new Clubhouse gets ever closer. Council has advised that the new Clubhouse should be operational by the end of this month, barring excessive wet weather and any further COVID delays, and the tidying up of some legal necessities.
The steps for moving in are therefore:
- Select activities at the Club such as installing racking and assembling new chairs etc. that should occur prior to the end of the month; and
- A Working Bee around the end of the month to relocate equipment from off-site storage back into the new Clubhouse. More information about this event will be communicated in the next couple of weeks.
The sailing season should therefore commence in early March and run until April/May, depending upon the weather.
The new Clubhouse will provide an absolutely first class sailing and social experience, with state-of-the-art facilities in an absolute prime location for launching and sailing our catamarans, dinghies, and boards.
All members will be able to purchase water-proof fobs (at nominal cost) so that access can be gained to the downstairs areas (boat storage and showers and toilets) at all times.
I would again like to thank City of Kingston and Fimma (the builder) for all their efforts in delivering the new Clubhouse.
Informal sailing will occur this Sunday (14th February) off Parkdale Yacht Club with three or so short races starting at 1pm. No racing will occur the following Sunday because of Sail Sandy Regatta.
I thank all members for their patience during this difficult season. But we should soon be taking our first steps toward returning to our new Clubhouse and resumption of sailing activities in the next few weeks.
Yours sincerely
Peter Monkhouse
Parkdale Yacht Club